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Ten inspirational quotes on finding a job you love

Updated: Dec 27, 2024

Here are 10 of our favorite pieces of wisdom on loving your job, pulled from some of our MeaningSphere Book Club reads so far.

A young Black woman in a colorful shirt makes a large color field painting.
Image credit: Pexels

We spend a huge portion of our lives at work. It’s no wonder that finding a job you love feels so important. More than 75 percent of college-educated graduates say that passion is an important factor when making career decisions.

At the MeaningSphere Book Club, we’ve enjoyed some brilliant reads over the last six months exploring questions like, what exactly does a job you love look like? And how do you find it?

From The Success Myth by Emma Gannon; to Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans; to Love + Work by Marcus Buckingham, we’ve drawn so much inspiration and wisdom about love at work from these authors.

Here are 10 of our favorite quotes on finding a job you love.

Psst: Get daily prompts and activities to inspire you at work. Download your free meaningful work calendar.

“A successful career is a scavenger hunt for love." —Marcus Buckingham, Love + Work (read our review here)

“Success really doesn’t have to be worldwide adoration. It can mean doing the thing you love doing in your own way.” —Emma Gannon, The Success Myth (read our review here)

A man in workshop smiles as he works.
Image credit: Pexels

“First of all, let’s clarify that there is no dream job. No unicorns. No free lunch. What you can find out there are lots of interesting jobs in worthwhile organizations populated by dedicated and hardworking people trying to do honest work.” —Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, Designing Your Life (read our review here)

“The true purpose of your work is to help you discover that which you love: work is for love. And the purpose of love is to help you learn where and how you can contribute: love is for work.” —Marcus Buckingham, Love + Work

“We can spend our entire lives trying to work out other people’s success formula—or we can try a new formula, our own formula—which is doing our very best with what we have and finding ways to enjoy ourselves along the way.” —Emma Gannon, The Success Myth 

Woman working on laptops happily side by side.
Image credit: Unsplash

“The secret to happiness in life design isn’t making the right choice; it’s learning to choose well.” —Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, Designing Your Life

“Your fullest life, then, is one where your loves and your work flow in an infinite loop. The energy of one fuels the energy of the other. Thus, the only way you’ll make a lasting contribution in life is to deeply understand what it is that you love. And the inverse: you’ll never live a life you love unless you deeply understand how to contribute to others.” —Marcus Buckingham, Love + Work

“You don’t need to ‘do only what you love.’ Instead you need only to find specific loves—red threads—within what you do.” —Marcus Buckingham, Love + Work

“What makes work fun? It’s not what you might think. It’s not one unending office party. It’s not getting paid a lot of money. It’s not having multiple weeks of paid vacations. Work is fun when you are actually leaning into your strengths and are deeply engaged and energized by what you’re doing.” —Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, Designing Your Life

“In any job, sustained excellence without love is impossible. Love isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity.” —Marcus Buckingham, Love + Work

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